

Septic Tank Repair or Replacement Funds

In Puerto Rico, there are several sources of financing available for the repair and replacement of septic systems. Some are money allocated by the federal and state governments (grants), others are through loans. Exhaust all possible grant applications first. Federal government agencies are prioritizing this public health issue. If you need it, seek help filling out the applications. Below are the main financial aid programs and options.

In Puerto Rico, there are several sources of financing available for the repair and replacement of septic systems. Some are money allocated by the federal and state governments (grants), others are through loans. Exhaust all possible grant applications first. Federal government agencies are prioritizing this public health issue. If you need it, seek help filling out the applications. Below are the main financial aid programs and options.

USDA Drinking Water and Wastewater Assistance Program

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers financial assistance through its Drinking Water and Wastewater Program for rural areas. This program provides grants of up to $7,500 to homeowners age 62 or older who cannot repay a loan. It also provides loans and grants to low-income homeowners to upgrade or replace their septic systems. Loans can be up to $20,000 with a low interest rate and a term of up to 20 years.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

EPA provides financial resources at the federal, state, and tribal levels for septic system maintenance and replacement projects. This support may include grants and low-interest loans to help homeowners cover the costs of repairing or installing new systems.​. There are also State Revolving Funds (SRF), which are state revolving funds that provide low-interest loans for wastewater infrastructure projects, including the repair and replacement of septic systems. These funds are administered by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA).

Community Development Funds (CDBG)

The Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Grant (CDBG) Program provides funding to improve community infrastructure, including septic systems. These funds can be used by municipalities and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income communities.

Local Aid Programs - Municipalities

Various municipalities in Puerto Rico also offer financial assistance programs for the repair of septic systems. These programs may include direct grants or low-interest loans and are typically targeted at low-income homeowners. It is advisable to contact municipal community development or social services offices for specific information.

Nonprofit organizations​

Some nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico, such as the Puerto Rico Community Foundation, can offer financing and technical assistance programs for the repair and improvement of septic systems in vulnerable communities.
Steps to Request Help


Initial evaluation: So contact and ask.


Necessary Documentation: Prepare the documentation. You will usually need ownership documentation and details of the current septic system. In the case of loans, it may include proof of income


Subsidy or Loan Application: Be patient, today is no worse task than the one that is not done. Complete and submit applications for grants or loans. Be sure to follow the specific instructions for each program.


Supervision and Compliance: Once approved, ensure you meet all program requirements during and after project implementation.