8 Years of Impact

New friends and longtime friends,

Atma turns 8 years old, as of April 7, 2024.*

Let’s take this moment to look back and look ahead. We’ve grown from offering a useful, low bandwidth app called AtmaGo to hundreds of grassroots community members —  to touching the lives of 13 million people. 

We are inspired to connect people so they can report problems, share solutions and improve their communities from the ground up, particularly in these challenging times.

In this special report we share 8 epic numbers to celebrate Atma Connects’ 8 years of impact. Read on, and please tell a few friends.

Atma Connect’s long-term vision: to connect and empower billions of vulnerable people in every region of the world so they can improve their communities from the ground up. 

Atma’s theory of change: people who live in low-income communities are resourceful and ingenious, and connecting them with one another will multiply their strengths. In short, as one of our board members says, “People are brilliant — pass it on.”

Thank you to the Board, our donors, the partner organizations we collaborate with, and the growing numbers of communities we are honored to serve.


Meena Palaniappan
Atma Connect CEO

P.S. *That’s 8 years of being incorporated.
We were even around before then.



We create platforms, activate people as agents of change, and scale verified impact.

Impact in Puerto Rico and Ukraine
Environmental Work With Communities in the U.S.
Disaster Resilience
Women and Economic Empowerment
Bottom-up Climate Action



13 MILLION people reached

Atma Connect has reached 13 million people — so far! — with AtmaGo, our award-winning neighborhood-based communications network serving the common good.

AtmaGo helps neighbors build stronger communities in 300+ locations, share vital disaster response and recovery information, offer help regarding jobs and entrepreneurship, share solutions around chronic challenges and much more.



Percentage of people who say AtmaGo motivates them to take part in mutual support activities! And there’s more: 85% say they changed behavior based on information on AtmaGo and 79% say AtmaGo is helpful to build community.


Hundreds of community-based organizations

We believe in community-led brilliance, and we are very proud to partner with hundreds of communities in Indonesia. We also are partnering with 50+ community-based organizations, along with Asociación Enlace Asuntos Comunitarios de Sabana Seca, Finca Higuaca, SaniPlant, University of Puerto Rico, Northwestern University, and the Environmental Protection Network to expand a Safe Water Quality Network in Puerto Rico.


240 entrepreneurs

Atma is working with 240 courageous WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS in Indonesia, through a “women helping women” initiative to increase womens economic empowerment and household incomes, supported by the Internet Society Foundation. We can’t wait to empower hundreds more.


17 new environmental justice centers across the U.S.

Atma Connect, in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC), will establish infrastructure and support for locally led change across the United States to advance environmental justice.

This is part of the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy’s historic investment in connecting underserved communities with resources to create healthier places to live, and we are delighted to be selected to help regional centers, local leaders, communities, and technical assistance providers make environmental justice a reality for the communities that need it most.


2.4 million views of info related to CLIMATE CHANGE AND RESILIENCE

We enable vulnerable communities on the front lines of climate change to share and document their adaptation and mitigation solutions, and attract needed funding. We also work with organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy, to release trapped knowledge so that many communities can benefit. Atma Connect created an online knowledge sharing platform for the Nature Conservancy for local disaster managers to learn best practices for nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction and resilience.


6,000 years of healthy life

A study independently conducted by the Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) in Indonesia verified that AtmaGo improves disaster preparedness and estimated that Atma could add over 6,000 years of healthy life and prevent $106M in property damage and $4.5M in healthcare costs for every million people.



You, yes you!
Whether you’re a grassroots leader, corporate leader, grant maker, government official, funder, individual donor, friend, we couldn’t have made all this progress without you!

Thank you for investing in strong communities, worldwide, especially communities that have been underestimated.

It's working!

Here’s to the next 8 years and beyond. #neighborshelpingneighbors