Behavior Change through
Covid and Health Services
Our platforms and engagement strategies enable behavior change at scale, spread critical information, and improve health services.
Atma is a specialist in large scale campaigns that use trusted peer to peer communication to change behavior and improve health.
Meeting Critical Covid and Health Needs
Improving Health and Health Services
During the Covid-19 crisis, Atma created Covid-19 microsites that provided critical information during many stages in the crisis, including where to get ambulances and oxygen, free telecounseling for women and youth, along with peer-to-peer behavior change communication to address vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
Covid and Health Service Features

Platform-based mental health counseling
Free telecounseling for women and youth during Covid crisis, we saw a 3.5 point reduction in subjective unit of disturbance score from pre to post-counseling sessions.
Covid-19 platform for trusted information and access to critical resources
We reached over 3.5 million views of critical information to slow the spread of Covid-19. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, over 4,000 community-generated vetted articles on COVID-19 were posted. We also integrated a database to share bed, oxygen, and ambulance availability during critical stages of the pandemic.

Peer-based psychosocial support
Trusted neighbor to neighbor support. People helped one another through the crisis with survivor stories, vaccination stories, and stories from the ground. 85% of people reported that they changed their behavior to slow the spread of COVID-19 based on information from AtmaGo.
Complaint Handling Mechanism and Tool for Health Centers
We created an innovative Complaint Handling System, currently in use among public agencies in Indonesia, that allows citizens to easily report complaints and aspirations regarding public services, and includes a custom dashboard for the responding government agency to manage and resolve complaints.

The Impact of Atma's Covid and Health Services

Empowering Entrepreneurs: Stories of Impact and Transformation in Improving Economic Opportunity for Women
Atma Connect, supported by the Internet Society Foundation, has had recent successes in improving economic opportunity for women entrepreneurs. Through an innovative 24-month program 240 women in Indonesia put into ...

Atma Connect and Partners Enter Final Phase of Internet Resilience Work and Participate in “Handover” to Villages
Project: Implement community-led, sustainable technology solutions in two villages in Indonesia. Funded by: Internet Society Foundation (ISF) Resiliency Grant Program Objective achieved: Developed and transitioned a replicable model of community-led, ...

Highlights: Atma Connect on Disaster Resilience and Internet Resilience
Project: Implement community-led, sustainable technology solutions in Sukabumi, Indonesia. Funded by: Internet Society Foundation (ISF) Resiliency Grant Program Objective achieved: Develop a replicable model of community-led, sustainable Internet connectivity that ...

Announcing the Atma Connect Impact Report 2024
To provide you with a quick recap of 2023 and a look ahead, see Atma Connect’s new impact report. You’ll find highlights of Atma’s work creating platforms and engaging communities, ...

Atma Connect and Indonesian Red Cross Hold Disaster Evacuation Training
Atma Connect and the Indonesian Red Cross, known as PMI, held disaster evacuation training with volunteers in Sukabumi, Indonesia, with Atma and the Internet Society Foundation. Kompas TV, a nationwide ...

Atma Connect Creates New Platform to Connect & Empower Grassroots-led Environmental Justice Across the US
Here’s an update on Atma Connect’s 5-year partnership with ISC and USEPA to empower environmental justice via tech and community engagement among grassroots organizations. (See Atma’s 2023 press release.) Grassroots ...

Improving Economic Opportunity for Women Entrepreneurs: An AtmaConnect update
Here are updates by Raka Ibrahim from Atma Connect’s 24-month program to improve digital literacy and economic opportunity for women entrepreneurs in Indonesia. The work is being done under a ...

Internet Resiliency in Disaster Response
At Atma Connect, disaster resilience is core to our mission. The team is underway on a project to help several communities prone to natural disasters become disaster resilient — and ...

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