Complaint Handling Mechanism and Tracker for Services

A system developed for services to be more responsive to resident feedback and increase civic participation.

An easy to use dashboard for service staff to receive resident reports and track them through to resolution

How Complaint Handling Mechanism Works

Improve Services through Civic Participation​

We created an innovative Complaint Handling System, currently in use among public agencies in Indonesia, that allows residents to easily report complaints and aspirations regarding public services, and includes a custom dashboard for the responding agency to manage and resolve complaints.


Complaint Handling Mechanism Features​


Submit Reports or Needs from The Ground​

Clients and Residents can easily, through a few clicks, report a problem, suggestion or offer appreciation


Dashboard to Track and Resolve Reports​

Staff within the public agency can easily track incoming complaints, assign responsible staff, and resolve and respond to the issue using the simple dashboard


The Impact of Atma's Complaint Handling Mechanism​

0 %
Say AtmaGo addresses the need for news sharing & reporting tools in the village, between the village office, officers, and community
0 %
Officials embraced feedback from residents as a way to improve services
0 %
Say they changed their behavior to report local conditions and stay connected to the village office through AtmaGo


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