Activate People with
Trainings and Events

Curriculum and engagement strategies that bring together people and perspectives to create change.

We are experts at engaging hard to reach people through capacity building workshops, events, and gamification.

Training and Engagement Strategies

Inspire Changemaking

We support people to create real change on the ground. First, our workshops inspire them to start their changemaking journey. Through this they find their passion, organize neighbors to support it, and create and share the measurable change they are making in their communities — from projects planting mangrove trees and training women in hydroponics, to weekly neighborhood clean-ups.


Training and Events for Social Change


Digital Literacy and Citizen Journalism

We provide Digital Literacy and Citizen Journalism trainings to help women, youth, elders, and rural communities be comfortable sharing their voices, ideas, and solutions online.


Preventing Misinformation

We conduct workshops to help people identify and prevent misinformation online. These workshops help people authenticate images and distinguish fact from opinion.


Civic Engagement

Our technology platforms and workshops introduce best practices and solutions sharing among community organizations and changemakers across countries, islands, and also globally. Community Leaders share their strategies to monitor government budgets, advocate for changes, and involve neighbors in their projects.


Youth and Women Empowerment

Youth and women are often unheard voices in communities, yet they have ingenious ideas and solutions. We work with schools and universities to engage youth. We focus on reaching women through innovative online features, and partner extensively with networks of female leaders.


List of Atma Previous Trainings and Events Topics

Disaster Response and Recovery

Citizen Journalism Based Disaster Training

Citizen Journalism for Disaster Mitigation

Mental Health Self-Care for Health Workers in Brebes

River Management Training

How to Build Resilience After The Pandemic

AtmaGo Socialization with Disaster Risk Reduction Forum

Climate Change and Resilience

Garbage Management Workshop

Agriculture and Sustainibility

Citizen Engagement and Governance

Youth Education Leaders Workshop

AtmaGo Socialization with Teachers and Parents

AtmaGo Socialization to Youths

AtmaGo Socialization to Mozilla Community

AtmaGo Set Up in Local Brebes Community

Diversity and Social Inclusion Workshops

AtmaGo Socialization for Community Inclusion

AtmaGo Socialization for Business Programs

Community and Students Outreach for Local and Regional Communities

Role of AtmaGo for Local Good Governance - Stories from Yogyakarta and Mojokerto

Digital Literacy and Countering Misinformation

Citizen Journalism for Community Development

Social Media Utilization

Detecting Hoax and Fake News

Countering Disinformation

Impact Story Writing

Women and Youth Empowerment

Women and Children Protection

Journalism Workshops and Practices

Women's Role in Agriculture

Women Empowerment

Young Writers Empowerment


How Atma Training and Events Impact People

98 %
Say Atma trainings gave them inspiration and tools to improve their community
98 %
Say Atma increased their knowledge and practical skills to build their communities
8985 +
Hours of trainings held
450 +
Women trained
740 +
Youth trained
1852 +
Organisations trained


Latest news from
people and communities

Latest news from AtmaGo people and communities

Puerto Rico

Feria La Gota Fest

Asoc.Enlace Asuntos Comunitari
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¡Consejos para un Aprendizaje Efectivo!

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Cómo Aprender Rápido y Eficazmente

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  • 164 hours ago